election winning wishes

18 Election Winning Wishes in Hindi and English (Updated)!

Election Winning Wishes?

With only some hours left to the ultimate countdown, we’re sure you are surrounded with news and articles about who is going to win. Although the internet will offer you the best of the captions, CaptionWala will satisfy your caption craving by giving you options to choose from.

Paste these election winning wishes in your posts, stories, and feed along with a promising picture, and you’re good to go!

You tell us, abki baar konsi sarkar?

Use Original, Use CaptionWala!

Some Amazing Election Winning Wishes for you:

Celebrate the win of your favorite party with these cool wishes for them. May the best win!

  • I dream of a nation, free of insecurities and indifference. A nation where you’re known for your deeds not by your colour. A nation who is run by an exemplary leader. A nation, I can call mine!
  • V is for Victory. I is for India! Whoever wins, India awaits yet another phenomenal presence.
  • D Day is coming!
  • A leader without fear or favor is what we, Indians, seek.
  • We hope our vote counts!
  • For the nation which seeks growth and development, one good leadership is all it requires.
  • Winners always sets examples! I wish we get what we deserve!
  • Half of the battle is over! Now, the question is, will you be able to provide us the vision of ‘cleaner, safer, and advanced India’?
  • The best won the elections and also our heart.
Source : NDTV

Election Winning Wishes in Hindi:

  • झंडा ऊँचा रहें हमारा,
    सरकार हमेशा दे साथ हमारा।
  • वो तिरंगा आज भी ऊँचा लहरा रहा हैं, लगता हैं सबसे ज़्यादा ख़ुश वह हैं आपके जीतने पर।
  • क्यूँ ना आज कुछ अच्छा करे, एक नयें भारत का संकल्प हमारे नेता के साथ ले।
  • खुशी की असीम सीमा पर है आज भारतीय जनता पार्टी|
  • देश को मोदी सरकार के आने पर बधाई|
  • मोदीमय वातावरण का आगमन हो चुका है|
  • एक बार फिर मोदी सरकार | सभी को शुभकामनाएं|
  • एक बार फिर कमल खिला है|
  • ऊंचाइयाँ छू ली आज
    आओ ख़ुशिया बटोरें साथ।

Hashtags to rev up your election winning wishes:

#elections2022 #PoseExitPoll#LokSabhaElections2022#Elections#India #indianelections #vote #voters #democraticindia #electionresults #exitpolls #voting #electioncomissionofindia #indianpolitics #indianvoter #loksabhaelectionresults2022

Excited or Nervous?

Who should win?

Roaring NaMo or Raging Congress?

Let’s cross our fingers and hope for the best!

Use these election winning wishes Hindi and English to show your love towards your party!

See you on the other side!

If you want us to write special captions for you, don’t be afraid to call us. Happy to connect with like-minded people!

Happy Results!

Featured Image : Google


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