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International LeftHanders Day Captions 2023 With Hashtags!

You pick up a pen and the whole room turns towards you- “are you a lefty?”, they ask and you are made to feel special and outstanding! All lefthanders may have experienced this once in their life time. Though the choice of a dominant hand is rarely your “choice” as this is developed at an age where you can barely make choices, left handed people are often treated with awe.

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Witty International LeftHanders Day Captions :

There have been so many left handers in the world who have been great leaders and left handers who have been very witty! Here are some of the wittiest International LeftHanders Day Captions for Instagram by Captionwala:

Source :- image

International LeftHanders Day Struggle Captions :

No matter how special we consider the left handers, it is not untrue that they have to face a lot of bias in the world. Most of the items designed are fashioned according to the convenience of the right-handers. Here are some of the captions by Captionwala that highlight the problems lefthanders have to face every day:

Special International LeftHanders Day Captions :

At the end of the day, the uniqueness of the lefthanders makes them very special! If you are a left-hander, people would always remember you for your unique skills. Here are some of the best International LeftHanders Day Captions for Instagram by Captionwala:

Left Handers Quotes:

These quotes capture various aspects of being left-handed, from the challenges faced in a right-handed world to the unique qualities associated with left-handed individuals.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

If you are a left hander, be proud of your uniqueness! If you are a right hander, be considerate to make life easier for lefties as they have to face structural biases wherever they go! Use the captions by Captionwala to make the world aware of the lefthanders and celebrate their uniqueness!

 If you want us to write personalized captions for you, then call us or mail us. We cater to our clients personally.

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