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76 Motivating Voting Quotes for the first time voters!(Updated)

close up photo of vote stickers on people s fist

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on

Voting Quotes?

Voting Quotes for election?

Quotes on Voting?

After searching the Internet with these keywords, are you still looking for voting quotes you can relate to?

If yes, then heave a non-existential sigh of relief! Whether you are a first time voter or someone who has voted regularly, we at CaptionWala, have found the solution to your caption worries.

Click a decent photograph, edit it as you like, put one of these voting quotes, and urge the remaining of the population to vote. Do your duty as a responsible citizen, at least two out of hundred will follow you.

Jai Hind!

Use Original, Use CaptionWala!

Source : Pixabay

Some Inspiring Voting Quotes for Election:

In this period of elections, inspire your friends, family, followers, and workers to go and cast their vote. Responsibility is not given it needs to be taken.

One Word Vote Captions:

My First Vote Status:

Source: YouTube

My First Vote Captions:

Short Voting Quotes:

Short Voting Captions for Instagram:

Voting Quotes for First Time Voters:

For additional quotes from thought leaders, click here.

First Time Vote Status:

Hashtags to use along with Voting Quotes for your voting pictures:

#vote #voteindia2023 #mumbaikarvotekar #votevotevote #voted #votes #voter #responsiblecitizen #indiaelections2023 #2023 #india #voteforindia #myvote #right #merabharatmahan #myhome #mycountry #votekar #powertochoose #votebecauseyoucan #castyourvote #captionwala

Need more muses?

Maybe, if you don’t vote you’ll loose the right to complain about where the nation is heading today.

Maybe, if you don’t vote you’ll loose right to secure future for your loved ones.

Maybe, if you don’t vote you’ll loose right to entitlement.

So, a humble request to take wise decision and go make your vote count to make India and this world a beautiful place to live in.

Go with your friends, family, colleagues to do what you are morally obliged to do : Vote!

Do not let this opportunity to choose and elect the right person pass.

#VoteKar India!

If you want us to write personalized captions for yourself or the company, drop us a mail or call us, let’s get your brand a voice!

Happy Voting!

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